Ooo, I like this part. But not this part. Oh hey, it's good again. The ending -- meh.
Back in the day, when selected families got to rate everything they saw, they got to register their viewership as a vote for good content. But as producers noticed, it's possible to fine tune what within a show is the real draw. So they brought people in for focus groups.
When a focus group is passing judgment on a movie or show, they get to tune a dial to indicate the exact time markers when things were going great or not so much. So why in the digital world should every video and post we come across be constricted to a strict up or down vote, stripped of the fourth dimension? Who knows at which point in the viewing experience each person cast their vote?? If that's even available to programmers, it sure is obfuscated.
Seems that we should have continuous up and down arrows available throughout every video on watch in order to gauge our enjoyment in real time. Not only is it a satisfying way to engage with content throughout the duration, but it's also a more accurate measure of what points are not hitting the mark. Time-contingent up and down votes are a total win-win, if you ask me. It's what Nielson would have wanted.
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